How Very Attractie Women Choose Men for Dating and Relationships

It is important for anyone, who wants to meet, date and have a relationship with a very attractive, desirable woman, to understand how how hot women choose guys for dating and relationshipssuch women make their initial choices when it comes meeting and dating men. An attractive, interesting, feminine, classy and otherwise desirable woman usually has a lot of choices when it comes to who she can go out with and who she can date, and often way more choice than she is capable of handling. If that woman lives in a large city, that is also a home to many attractive, professional men, these choices might be very many or even overwhelming to women. As a result, such a woman’s behavior when it comes to selecting men is likely to be very similar to the behavior of all of us as consumers when shopping for something that comes in many kinds and shapes and that can be found in dozens or more stores.

Think about how a typical consumer behaves when making choices and it will give you an insight into what an attractive woman experiences when meeting men. Suppose you decided to buy a camera or a laptop on Amazon. You search by product name and then you get thousands of results. This is overwhelming. You want to make sure that you choose the right product and ideally you would want to look at every product, but that’s not realistic, so you look at the menu and try to narrow down the choices by checking the item by brand, functions, rating, etc.. .or by unchecking the kinds of items that you are not interested. In other words, you are narrowing down your choices by eliminating the products that you know you don’t want to make it easier on you. Then, after you limited yoruself to a managable number of choices, you will start looking at every remaining product more carefully and you will be reading the reivews. You are likely to read the bad reviews first to find out how bad is bad, given the risk that you might have to deal with that negative aspect. Then you find the product that has the least amount of bad reviews (as opposed to the largest amount of good reviews) so that you reduce the risk of getting a bad product.

Attractive women behave very similarly when it comes to going out with and dating men. If they have more choices than they can handle when it comes to guys, they first try to dismiss some of the men by looking instinctively for deal breakers in every guy to eliminate him and make th choice easier. So, what does this mean to you? This means that the small things matter in the very beginning of your interactions with a woman you just met.  Something that’s not a big eal to you can be a deal breaker or a reason to eliminate you. A woman who knows you and likes you might not notice or care that you burped at the table, or didn’t open a door for her, or that you said something inappropriate. A woman who just met you, on the other hand, might just decide on the spot that you are not someone she wants to date, because either she has other options that might be better, or because she doesn’t want to stop on you since you appear to be just not good enough.

When it comes to women’s initial impressions, perception and assumptions seem to be far more improtant than facts and basic logic, and you should keep that in mind. A seemingly innocent statement can be totally misinterpreted. Suppose you tell a woman that you have been single for a year and that you enjoyed that time in your life. You might have meant that you were just happy to be on your own and maybe you managed to catch up on things you like to do that you weren’t able to do when you were in a relationship, but she might and will likely assume that the reason you said that you enjoye being single is because you are a player and you were actually messing around with different women this whole time, and that’s why you were not interested in having a relationship this whole time. Or, what if your date asks you what you are looking for, and you answer that you are not sure or that you are open to anything. Do you think that that’s what she is going to hear? Most likely – not. She will likely assume that you just want to date around and that you are definitely not interested in anything serious, even though you never actually said that or even hinted at something like that.

The above are just two very common examples of how women misinterpret what you say. And the reason that women are eager to assume and conclude things based on what you say is because an average woman has been disappointed in men quite a few times and she really wants to avoid being hurt again. As such, she is instinctively looking for any red flags in the guys she meet, and the more she likes the guy initially the more afraid she will be to be hurt by him, and thus the more likely she will be to look for those red flags very diligently, and even find problems where they might not really exist.

This doesn’t mean that you should watch every word you say, but it does mean that you should be aware of this response that women have to certain statements, and you should consider just not take your conversation in that direction, and also make sure that you follow the very common rules of courtesy and politness in the very beginning of your interaction with a woman. There will plenty of time to relax  and say and do all kinds of unusual or controversial things in the future if the two of you click.

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02/28/2016 5:54 am

Listening closely to what men say will give me subtle clues about them.

student and teacher
student and teacher
10/03/2012 9:36 am

Great point, especially with that analysis of buying a camera on the internet. And this doesn't just apply to dating; it applies everywhere.

All of us have to make hundreds of decisions each day. And it's not feasible for us to analyze each of the options in great detail, so a lot of the time, we have to make quick and impersonal decisions. That's why we shouldn't take rejection personally.

Because, maybe she was approached by 20 guys, and she rejected 15 of them. You may have been decent, but 13 of those guys could have been jerks and losers. So, overall, she made the most optimal set of decisions for herself. Even though it wasn't fair for you, it was mostly fair in an overall sense.