Don’t Let A Dead-End Text Message Kill A Promising Conversation

dead-end text messageSo many guys and women are so concerned about coming across as too forward or too needy that they lean way too much in different direction. In this day and age of too much Facebook, too many text messages from too many people and too many things to do, a too big an ego may prove to be an insurmountable obstacle toward meeting and connecting with romantic prosper. Consider the following, common text message exchange:
He: hey, nice meeting you (chatting with you online) the other day. Can I call you now? 
She: Actually tonight is not a good time, because my friend is about to come over to watch a movie. How about we talk tomorrow. I will text you when I get off work.  
He: Sounds good. 
She: (next evening): Hi, how is it going? 
He: I am well. How are you? 

Although it’s not a huge deal, there is no need to send the message in bold above, which I like to call a dead-end text message. Instead, the girl should have just gotten to the point like she was supposed to: “Hey, I hope you are having a good day. I just got off work and I can talk for next two hours. Call me if you can” or something along those lines. Of course, if the guy was a bit more “manly” , he would have asked her if now was a good time to call anyway, or he would have just called, and it didn’t help that his response was so … beta.

I encourage you to stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Don’t be afraid to do it. It’s not going to make you look desperate; it will only make you appear as confident. You should especially avoid sending these types of dead-end text messages if you are a guy, because it’s even more unflattering to men, who are expected to take initiative and move things forward.

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