Why Scripted Behavior Will Not Work With Women on Dates

These days, any woman from her early 20’s forward is an expert on just about all of the dating and relationship advice that’s out there, that both men and women receive. With the number of men women swipe on, interact Continue Reading
The “It Will Happen When It Happens” Lie About Love

Sooner or later most of us learn that life rewards initiative. No one is going to knock on your door to offer you a job, or ask you to become your friend, or let alone ask you out on a Continue Reading
Why You Are Still Single – An Honest Checklist For Women

If you have been single for way longer than you would like to, chances are that this is for one of the following reasons that you might or might not have considered so far. It’s time to take an honest Continue Reading
How To Meet Women At Networking Events

Meeting women at networking events and conferences remains one of the more exciting and realistic ways of meeting women in real life. This is especially true since people seem to be flirting and approaching each other in person less and Continue Reading
If The Ring Is A Problem, Then The Ring Isn’t The Problem

This truism can be translated into many other situations, including your very first date with a woman. If your date destination – the cafe, the bar, or the restaurant you are headed to is an issue, then that’s really not Continue Reading
The “Why Guys Only Want Me For Sex” Checklist
How To Handle Her Cancelling Your Date Or Rescheduling The Right Way

Whether you want it or not, every single interaction you have with a woman from that first message to your video call with her or your first and second dates, and for quite a while longer is a test – Continue Reading