A Better Way Of Meeting A Great Guy Who Is A Keeper

meeting a great guyAlmost every single woman is dreaming about finding and meeting “Mr. Right” – that great guy who is special and different from others. This is someone she is going to fall in love with, and who is going to love and adore her back just as much or more, and who she would enjoying have a passionate, exciting relationship with. However, many women don’t realize that in order to meet an amazing guy who they could call Mr. Right, they have to be special themselves.

However, few women do anything about becoming that special woman who the guy of their dreams would actually want to be with and who would prefer them over other women. A typical woman is trying to meet guys in different places – through friends, in bars, cafes and restaurants, and of course on the internet, but she will not bother to stop, take a hard, honest look at herself and consider what she could do to become a more attractive and a more desirable woman to the kind of woman that she is looking to meet. She doesn’t want to recognize the fact that a special guy is probably looking for a non run of the mill women himself. This leads to having the same failure with men – either not meeting any, or meeting the worst kind that makes you more and more jaded and less hopeful about finding the type of love and romance you want to have in your life.

You have to remember – a great guy that you are looking to meet is also considered great by some other women. He has options when it comes to dating, and there has to be something about you that will make him want to be with you and not with other women. And while working on yourself and becoming more attractive will not guarantee the “happily-ever-after” outcome, it will surely increase the likelihood of you meeting more and better men – the kind of men you believe your time is worth spending with.

So, how do you go about making yourself more attractive? Of course, there are certain things that we are born with such as our body, our eyes, our hair and other parts of our physique that make us more or less desirable,  and there is little we can or should do to change them.

But there are simple things you can easily change that can make a big difference in how you come across to the opposite sex. And here is one practical and effective way to make a few of those changes soon to improve your chances of meeting a great guy. Think of your male friends who you spend or spent a considerable amount of time with and try to imagine who among all of them is most likely to be brutally honest with you if you specifically asked them to not hold back and tell you as honestly as they can what they think of you as a woman and a potential dating partner. Make that short list of guys, approach them and ask them to openly tell you what they think other guys might not like about you or be turned off. Promise to those men that share with you what they think of you that you will not be offended no matter what they say, and try to hold that promise.

These men might come up with the simplest things that you never thought were important or didn’t realize that they were as important as these men will tell you they are. Maybe you need to lose 20 lbs or so to be physically much more attractive, so that the guys who don’t even look at you today will start noticing you. Maybe you dress to provocatively or use too much make up, and this is intimidating or off putting to guys. Maybe you talk too much when you meet someone new, thereby annoying the guys you meet and making them not want to talk to you again. Maybe the opposite is true – you are too quite and you make the guys struggle to make a conversation with you. Who knows? – Maybe you come across as stuck up, even if you are anything but snobbish. Maybe your male friends think you are too uptight and you can’t take a joke or laugh at yourself when the time is right. This sends a message of very fragile ego and insecurity that you should consider working on. Maybe you are too confrontational in conversations and you think that you are always right, not being able to agree to disagree.

It’s possible that you are late all the time when you are meeting guys. That special guy you are looking to meet is probably successful professionally, and he is used to being punctual and expect the same from others. He is likely to have a low tolerance for people for whom he has to wait for half an hour every time he meets them. Don’t be that person.

Perhaps one of your friends will point out that you tend to text too much when you hang out with your friends. Do you do the same when you are out with a guy on a first date? If so, this is a major turn-off to many guys, whether they will call you on it or not.

The above are just a few examples of the aspects of your behavior and personality that you can change relatively easily to make yourself much more attractive to the kind single men that you are interesting in meeting and dating, and significantly increase your chances of meeting more quality men and eventually ending up in a relationship with Mr. Right.

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richelle may marbano
richelle may marbano
02/27/2012 4:25 pm

these can really help me a lot…

as a woman, it shows me the realizations of being not perfect by means of attitudes, physical appearance, and of course the behavior of a teenage girl like me…..