The Truth About Women’s First Impressions

women's first impressionsIf you have been exposed to any commercially available dating advice, I am sure that you have heard more than once about the importance of women’s first impressions. You have heard about the fact that women make up their mind whether they are attracted to a guy and whether they are sexually interested in him within the first few moments of seeing and meeting him. That’s why, according to those sources, the first impression that a guy makes on a woman is so important, and we hear so often that women decide whether they will sleep with the guy within a few seconds of meeting him.

Indeed, first impressions can be as important when approaching and meeting a women as they are in business and sales. However, there is another and somewhat opposite side to this idea. In many cases, first impressions are not as important and in fact can be deceiving and should not be trusted. Every woman should know that it often takes time for her to develop interest in a guy – a significantly longer time than just that first impression. When you approach and meet a woman you are interested in, she will likely be very skeptical about you, because she meets so many guys who she doesn’t like. Overcoming her initial skepticism and her personal “guards” can take anywhere between a few hours and a few dates. Sometimes it might even take a few dates for her to understand who she is dealing with.

Surely, your looks and your “look” (your eyes, the way you carry yourself, your body language, etc) can give you a certain edge, but ultimately, it’s your communication and your ability to demonstrate your attractive qualities of being interesting, confident and funny with a woman that will usually determine whether she is attracted to you and wants to spend more time with you. And that communication takes time to develop and evolve into something that will make most women attracted to a man.

I can’t remember how many times I heard a woman tell me how she didn’t like the guy in her class or at work at first and she didn’t find him attractive, but with time she developed great interest in him and later, as she got to know him, she became crazy about him. This is yet another proof that you should neither rely on your first impressions too much nor expect the first impressions to determine the outcome of your interactions with the women you meet.

Indeed, it’s important to realize that the most common first impressions that a typical single woman gets from most men is a neutral impression or mild interest/curiosity at most. Women rarely become instantly attracted to guys. This usually happens in those rare situations when the guy is exceptionally physically attractive or when he is some kind of a celebrity that a woman already has great respect and admiration for. Other than that, first impressions have a limited role in a woman’s romantic interest in a guy and become practically meaningless as soon as a few minutes after the two meet and started talking. Thus, in most cases, it’s the guy’s job to create attraction through his communication skills and other qualities of his personality.

So, don’t trust the unfounded rumors about women’s first impressions. Surely, you don’t want to make a horrible first impression on a woman. After all, she doesn’t want to talk to a slob or be with a guy who is rude and obnoxious. However, you should not expect a woman to be obviously attracted to you as soon as she sees you. Remember, women are different from men on the most fundamental biological level. As such – they operate differently from men. We, men, know what we want sexually when we see it. Women, on the other hand, generally know that they want it when they find the guy to be interesting, confident, funny, and otherwise worthy of their respect and admiration.

Indeed – as I suggest in all of my audio programs – respect is paramount to a woman’s attraction, and earning respect – earning a woman’s admiration of your lifestyle, your choices in life, your actions and your behavior takes more than creating a good first impression. Keep this in mind the next time you are starting a conversation with a woman!

Women’s first impressions are like a cover of the book or its first few pages. It helps if these are intriguing and lure a woman into reading more, but what matters more is how the plot develops and how she feels about the book when she is at least one third through with it – when she gets to know you a little better and has some kind of meaningful interaction with you.

This is why you should neither expect a woman you just met to show too much interest in you right  away, or be disappointed to soon when it doesn’t happen. She is not like you. She is not likely to be all over you like you would probably like to be all over her. But this doesn’t mean that she will not be interested in you or even develop feeling for you later, as you get to know each other.

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07/24/2011 9:28 am

I have a crush on that girl that's "saint" like she don't have male friends ,even on facebook she only have few boys who are younger than her on of them is my close day she asked him(on chat) what he thinks about other boys in his(my) group of friends, he told her that they are all scumbags ( he is working with me 😀 ) but he finds me respectful,,she agreed with him and said that i look respectful.

at last is that the "Respect" you mentioned above ?

P.S she in my class in high school and i rarely see her in some club(but we talk alot)

…and also she once introduced me to her friends as her brother's friend brother xD

I really need help as i love her

04/30/2011 1:56 pm

this question might sound redundant but why is it that it takes women so much longer to develop attraction towards a male?

06/12/2016 9:43 am
Reply to  don

I believe it’s the difference in nature between men and women. We are just wired differently, we are attracted to different qualities and we develop attraction at a different pace.