Did you ever ask yourself how often you think a typical girl is approached by a normal guy today , where he wouldn’t come across as creepy or lame? I assure you that no matter where the girl lives and how attractive she is, it doesn’t happen to her very often, especially today when more and more people (solely) rely on online dating services and apps for meeting people. In more and more places, girls never get hit on by guys, and many women do miss the excitement of being approached by a guy in real life.
Ironically, one of the major reasons why so many attractive women look unapproachable and have their shields up is because they lost hope – they lost hope that something good will happen to them when a guy is talking to them on the street, at a bus stop, at a coffee shop or elsewhere. Between that, and the amount of time that both men and women spend on Facebook and on various online dating sites, a woman’s chances of being approached by a guy today in a way that would make her want to continue that interaction are slim to none.
If you are one of those guys who can approach and start a conversation with woman in a way that would make you appear as a normal guy, you have huge edge over the vast majority of other guys today. The proof is around you wherever you go. Just spot and attractive woman in any crowded place during the day. Then look at all the guys around that are staring at her, and then count how many of those guys will try to talk to her. My guess is that it will be “0”. It has never been all that common for guys to just start talking to women in public, but it’s even more rare today, because of we rely so much on online dating and social media.
Some dating gurus make approaching girls sound way too easy to be true. They themselves claim to be able to approach any woman anywhere any time and meet her, get her phone number and get her to go out with them. I really don’t believe that. Moreover, this is neither necessary nor realistic. You can’t be expected to approach any woman in any situation. Many situations are awkward or are plain inappropriate for that. For example, if a woman is obviously in a rush or looks extremely stressed out, she should probably be left alone, unless you get an indication from her (i.e. eye contact) that suggests otherwise.
But, if you make your move and try to start a conversation by simply making a relevant comment to a girl about something around you, and this gets the conversation going, it will likely be as memorable to her as it will be to you, especially if she finds you attractive or interesting, or both. Imagine standing at a grocery store near the ice-cream refrigerator near a girl, and saying: “Sometimes I wish that we went back to just having too flavors – chocolate and vanilla. Wasn’t life easier back then?” This might sound like a trivial comment, but if you say it clear and loud enough to make it sound like you are trying to start a conversation, and the girl is single and available, this can be one simple, normal way to start a conversation with her.
Hello A! There is one girl I am platonically in love with. She doesn't even know me. I see her once a week in a students mess hall always surrounded with her girl/guy friends. Problem is that, the moment I see her I am feeling so NERVOUS, I don't know what to do or say. I completely forget everything I know about women in that moment. I don't have this problem with other girls, if I am not interested or I don't care. I am just so afraid to approach her and appear like a weird creepy guy, girls sense that immediately…
What should I do about this girl… What is your advice??
@ Yudzin
Please post your questions on our forum at practicalhappiness.com/forum and we will respond promptly.
Can't do that, I have my reasons. If you be so kind to make an exception and respond, I'll be very grateful. If not, thank you anyway for your great work. I won't bother you any more with my questions.
“One of the major reasons why so many attractive women look unapproachable and have their shields up is because they lost hope – they lost hope that something good will happen to them when a guy is talking to them on the street, at a bus stop, at a coffee shop or elsewhere.”
Really? They lost hope? These “unapproachable” women lost hope?!? ARE YOU NUTS?
That’s just laughable. For every woman who claims to have lost hope, I can count AT LEAST 100 guys who have lost hope, and it’s probably for the same reason I’ve cited in other posts: WOMEN ARE FREAKING UNAPPROACHABLE!!!
@ Mickey.
I know this sound counterintuitive, but if you talked to a few of those women and asked them honestly how often they are approached by normal guys the normal way, you would find out that one of the main reasons they are so unapproachable is because they are jaded by all the wrong kinds of attention.
The only guys that talk to them during the daytime are thugs. The rest do nothing except staring.