A Woman’s Brain – Is It Really Like A Hamster

Referring to a woman’s brain as a hamster might sound offensive and chauvinistic to woman. The video below talks about why this analogy is quite legitimate, and how understanding and embracing can help men understand women’s actions and responses better.


The question is how to best deal with women’s hamster?

While you cannot avoid the hamster in your dealings with women, you can reduce it’s potential disappointing impact on you. Every situation between you an a woman will be unique in its own way, but the important part you should do is to be ready for her unexpected behavior. This means that you should not get too excited too early about any woman you meet. I do not suggest that you should be overly skeptical or pessimistic. I only recommend that you yourself don’t assume too many good things about a woman  too soon just because she struck you as amazing during your first interaction or date or just because she acted like she is really into you.  This also means that you should not be too upset or puzzled by a woman’s unexpected disappearance or by her being offended by something you said or did you appears to be very innocent. Often, there is no other explanation to a woman’s response by the fact that it’s the hamster in action.



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