How to Compliment a Woman On Her Looks The Right Way

how to compliment a woman the right wayIt is a well known fact that one thing that women hate about the guys’ typical approach is generic, boilerplate compliments that could apply to any girl, such as “you are beautiful” or “you look nice” or “I like your dress.”  A much better way to start a conversation with a girl through a compliment is by making it different and more specific. Here is one simple example on how to compliment a woman the right way:

Suppose you are walking behind an attractive girl who wears a really nice and somewhat unique dress. You catch up to her at a crosswalk, you look at her, and without expecting her to look back at you, you simply say: “I am not an an expert in a women’s fashion, but this dress looks like one of kind. You surely didn’t get it Macy’s or some other generic store…. Did you guy it oversees?” and see how she responds to this.

If she tells you that she indeed bought it while she was traveling, it should make it easy for you to follow up with: “Oh, where did you go? When? Is the clothing selection really that much better than ours (applies if she went to Rome, London, Paris, etc…).

If she doesn’t have an interesting story behind her dress, it will make it a little more challenging, and at that point you could follow up with: “I know it’s not my business, but are you headed to some kind of special event or a party?”  or “Do you have some kind of important business presentation to attend?”

If at that point it looks like she is eager to finish the conversation, then she is probably not interested and you should move on. However, if her responses are somewhat elaborate, and it looks like she wants to keep the conversation going, even if the signs of that are very subtle, then you should continue talking for a few more minutes and then finish with: “Hey, I know you are in a hurry, and frankly so am I, but I have an idea. How about we talk later when we both have more time? What is a good tel. number to reach you?”

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