Don’t Dissmiss Educated Women Who Like to Read

hot educated women read and are fund to dateThere is a lot of bad rap out there, especially in the manosphere community, about professional, educated women. This is the type of women who read a lot and who have dedicated a lot of time and energy to school, obtaining advanced degrees from good schools. Various bloggers automatically categorize those women as ultra-feminists, overly liberated, bitch, and non-feminine. They say that  any guy in his right mind should stay away from them. I, however, urge you not to automatically make such assumptions. Don’t just dismiss the girls who went to good schools and who dedicated a lot of their life to academic work, as you might miss out on some of the best women out there – the women who are interesting and who have great sense of humor among other things.

While some highly educated women do fit the stereotype – they have a chip on their shoulder thinking that they are better than others, and they believe that they are God’s gift to this world,  others are very different – they are low-key and don’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone with their behavior or with their degrees.This is where an educated woman’s real, quite confidence kicks in, and it’s very impressive to see when you run into it.

More importantly, the more educated and the more well read a girl is, the more likely she is to naturally be a more interesting person. She knows more and understands more of what you have to share. She is probably less uptight and far more appreciative of a more sophisticated wit and sense of humor, if you can offer that, because she knows how hard it is to find.  If her expectations from a man’s intellect are high, and you happened to meet them, she will appreciate you more than other women. After all, she wants it more and she has a hard time settling for anything less.

Not all educated women who went to good schools and obtained advanced degrees are aggressive ultra feminists who wish to abandon all traditional values. Having received a degree from a top school or being a member of several book clubs is not the same as being a bitch. Being educated and smart doesn’t mean stepping all over your co-workers to get that promotion. It also doesn’t mean refusing to do any traditionally female house work. The women are that aggressive were probably that way long before they went to school. A few college classes is not what changed them and turned them into the overly aggressive beings that they are.

Give educated women and yourself a chance to get to know each other. Not all are the same. You might just discover that many of them have to offer personality, sense of humor and approach to life that cannot be matched by those who have not devoted as much time to thinking, analyzing and reflecting on themselves and the world around them.

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Ms. Woodside
Ms. Woodside
09/21/2014 1:51 pm

Not dismissing a girl with education is just as important as not dismissing a man in a similar situation. I agree that the more educated and well read the person is the more appealing and interesting she/he will be to the opposite sex. A girl who has an advanced degree will not automatically go to the CEOs or drug dealers, chasing money and high status as some comments have pointed out. What good does money and status do if you can’t even have a decent conversation w your partner? You can have a masters and even a PHD and still hold traditional beliefs becuase that is just something inculcated in your upbringing.
I obviously agree w this article becasue I am a woman but also because I have been told by men that I think too highly of myself just becuase I have a degree. Is not that I look down on men who only have a HS diploma. A lot of times education means nothing. As long as you have a general knowledge on things and can hold a decent conversation I will find you interesting. I have been on dates with lawyers, doctors and college dropouts and have found the latter to be a lot more interesting and less phony who do not waste time trying to impress me by taking me to fancy restaurants and talking about themselves and their high paying jobs.

08/16/2014 11:54 am

I don't mind an educated woman as long as she is not indoctrinated by the education system. Most often educated people seem to have the same views not because they are critical thinkers who have thought out and made well-formed opinions but rather they have copied verbatim what they have been taught. And this is referring to liberal education (which is hardly what people think of when they refer to educated), not the technical career-oriented useless knowledge they learn in most advanced degrees that have no application to life outside their particular field. I often find most woman who have advanced degrees are as useless to talk to as a woman who is a waitress. They can hardly discuss anything outside their field of interest, have no intellectual interests beyond their career specialization. They cannot discuss philosophy, anthropology, psychology, theology, sociology, sciences, or any topic of value beyond what they are fed in the mainstream media or memes they have absorbed from culture.

Truly educated woman with an interest in ideas are as rare as hen's teeth. And such educated women require no college degree to prove it. They can be found in any line of work, maybe even more so in less specialized and technical fields that dull their mind with useless practical tasks and don't allow them time to live the life of the mind.

Read Mortimer Adler about classic liberal education and not technical job training for ten years to know what an educated, wise, knowledgeable, and interesting person is. This is easier achieved without advanced education especially in this politically correct society which does not tolerate diversity of opinion in the academic world.

Also read Jose Ortega y Gasset, The Barbarization of Specialization.

Basically the most "officially" educated people now days are just pseudo-sophisticated barbarians.