Three Situations in Which You Should Call the Girl and Not Text Her

There are many times when you should be calling and not texting the girl you are interested in or are already dating, but this video talks about three of the most common situations when calling the girl is a much better option than texting, and when choosing to text would generally be a mistake:

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student and teacher
student and teacher
11/21/2012 10:25 am

oh, i couldn't agree more.

my friends have argued with me about this and they say i should only call her for a minute, and stick with texting before the first date. but i completely disagree.

i prefer to have a full conversation with a woman (about 20-30 minutes long) before i decide to ask her out.

1. if the conversation goes well, it makes me stand out from the other guys in her phone who are just numbers and words while I come off as a memorable personality.

2. it's lets me know if there is chemistry between me and her. if there are any glaring red flags in the phone call, i would re-consider asking her out, to save us both time.